Session 0

March 2nd, 03/02/2023, 7:00 PM to 9:30 PM (Central)

You have decided that you will make purchase of an Airship, hire a crew for additional assistance, and travel to Hyrantam via Airship. With a full double movement of the vessel, and the checks provided by Paracelsus and Ree, your arrival will take approximately 5 days, as long as travel does not cease.

I want you to also think about the logistics of landing in a flooded zone without a proper airship port at hand. It is a village, barely 300 people live there, and thus there are no facilities nearby for such a vessel.

I have spoken to Mathew and he has agreed to allow Thasan to pay for the expense of the vessel and its needs. He has requested additional redesign of the airship for utilization against the Eye of Abendego and potential extraplanar travel so I will be working on that over the next 2 weeks. I may need to invent some subsystems for this to function, but I will figure it out.

Also, keep in mind that during the next 2 weeks, Sean, Martin, and I will be experimenting with the Foundry VTT to see how we can utilize it into the game, and other campaigns. We will likely be using the VTT for at minimum enhanced combat awareness for encounters, but perhaps integrating most of what we do into it.

Also, a reminder: we are not doing XP in this campaign. It is entirely by Milestones.

Session 1

March 16th, 03/16/2023, 7:00 PM to 9:30 PM (Central)

The party consisting of Krom [Barbarian], Meraaen [Cleric], Paracelsus [Alchemist], Riervaoch [Psychic], and Thasan [Druid] all heard out the Pathfinder Society's request to investigate the Eye of Abendego as explained by Jorvier Stormforged.

After hearing out Jorvir most of the party agreed to the Society's request with Riervaoch needed to confirm an agreement further with Venture-Captain Calisro Benarry, after being restored from her drunken state. Calisro would later have nightmares after interacting with the party for unknown reasons.

Upon agreement to the request it was determined that a vessel would be constructed for the party in order to help them complete the Society's request. With Thasan providing the majority of the funding for the vessel he also provided desingn requests for the vessel, with some choices being rejected by the party.

With the plans on hand Paracelsus led the construction of the vessel along with dozens of shipbuilders from the Pathfinder Society. After a week of nonstop construction the vessel's construction was completed and was named the Mystic Tides. Note: For more information on Mystic Tides and the crew, check out further details under the campaign dropdown menu.

To help the main party in accomplishing their goal, more Society agents joined them to crew the Mystic Tides. These agents being Marina [female merfolk swashbuckler], Krag [male hobgoblin fighter], Squeak [female ratfolk rogue], Zahnradine [female gnome inventor], and Krog [ male orc expert].

After completion of the Mystic Tides the party boarded and started their estimated 5 day air journey to the Sodden Lands coast nearest to the Eye of Abendego. Due to Fatigue from non-stop construction of Mystic Tides, Paracelsus piloted more slowly than planned which will extend the party's journey by half a day but otherwise was a calm first day of travel.

On the second day the Mystic Tides was approached in the sky by a Quetz Couatl. As captain of the Mystic Tides Riervaoch communicated with the serpentine celestial using celestial language. Riervaoch found out that the serpentine creature meant no harm to the party and is named Teoyocoatl

Riervaoch and Teoyocoatl came to an agreement and is now aboard the Mystic Tides for an unspecified amout of time.

Session 2

March 30th, 03/30/2023, 7:00 PM to 9:30 PM (Central)

Resuming from last session and still on the second day Thasan has used Aura sight and Nature based knowledge on Teoyocoatl to determine that it's an ancient very powerful Lawful Good creature that is not extra planar and currently friendly towards the group at the moment. As well that Teoyocoatl is not inherently different from a Querzcoatl, it is unique in its feather colors and patterns, reflecting its individuality.

On the third Thasan received a feather from Teoyocoatl directly when he asked if it could share part of itself to help him teach his students back from the school he teaches from. Ree also conversed with Teoyocoatl telepathically learning that it has been sent from the heavens to mentor and go alongwith a young dwarven woman in the southern lands of the Mwangi Expanse and help her along her path.

Teoyocoatl also said "Look south, to a land like a hook, where the sea and the jungles meet. You will find a great place, where upon many spiders exist in harmony" when Ree requested help has to where she can find her tribe as she no longer remembers any of it. That night Ree ordered Jeweled Rice from Paracelsus to cook for her. On that day a thick cloud cover and a large stormfront began to build up towards the edge of The Barrier Wall Mountains.

On the fourth day of the journey, due to a continuing and heavily bulding storm from the previous day, a strong headwind caused Paracelsus difficulty in maintaining control of the Mystic Tides and the air ship was forced to go lower closer to The Barrier Mountains. Being closer Paracelsus took notice of a large dust cloud off in the distance hovering over one of the mountain peaks being a few hundred feet in size.

Paracelsus then informed and pointed out to the captain, Ree, of the dust cloud above the mountain peak. As the Mystic Tides approached closer Ree determined the dust cloud was not natural and requested Thasan's opinion on if they may be danger on approching. Thasan came up with some possibilities, most provable involving a giant, but ultimately recommended to go around it if possible. Ree seeking further information goes to the front of the air ship and uses Thoughtform Summoning to summon a Giant Eagle.

Ree commands the Giant Eagle to scout ahead and report back what it finds out about the cause of the dust cloud. The Giant Eagle reports that an insanely fast Fox standing on its hind legs is circling a Possibly mutated Hill Giant and is continuously attacking it. Once Ree relays that information to the rest Thasan, after given permission, embarks towards the site of the battle using Wild Shape to shapeshift into a red dragon. Krom also follows behind with the use of his Soaring Wings Magical Tattoo.

As both Thasan and Krom get near the battle site for a brief second they see an orange and red streak fox with six tails and a white face full of anger right before it dashes towards the Giant chest and flicks it off into the distance flying like a sack of feathers colliding with a tree that shatters into millions of pieces and continuing to fly until it collided with the mountain causing a cacophony of noise with thousands pieces of rock flying in every direction. Upon landing Thasan shifts back to normal form and is able to identify the humaiod fox as a Kitsune.

The Kitsune attempts to brush Thasan off and continue forwards when Ree receives a telephatic message from Captain Calisro about another Pathfinder Agent that will be in their travel path with her own personal mission and to not mess with her. At this time Krom lands next to Thasan, then once the Mystic Tides arrives Ree, with Meraaen in her hands, jumps down with a pair of bat wings to slowly fall to the ground.

Ree approches the unknown Kitsune while holding out a wayfinder in her hand asking if she knows what this is. The kitsune identifies herself as Nirota and asks who the group is. Once Ree explains to Nirota who they are and their current mission and destination everyone boards the Mystic Tides including Nirota now having joined the group on their mission. On the fifth day the Mystic Tides makes it into the Sodden lands territory with the smell of sea water already in the air, otherwise it was a nice peacuful calm day of travel.

On the sixth day of travel all remains calm while traveling half a day to arrive at their destination, the city of Hyrantam. The Mystic Tides successfully goes from air travel back to sea travel and then docks in Hyrantam.

Session 3

April 13th, 04/13/2023, 7:00 PM to 9:30 PM (Central)

Upon arriving and docking at Hyrantam a man approches the Mystic Tides welcoming the group. The man identifies himself as Vancen and serves as the Harbormaster of Hyrantam. Vancen guides the party to his place of residence where he explains that the town is under siege by a small group of of powerful seers called Stormreaders that are allied with a Thunderbird . The Stormreaders are forcing the townsfolk to scour the dangerous flooded reaches of the town for old Lirgeni relics and treasures as tributes. Furthermore they also demand to have dreamers with strange dreams of the town, before the age of lost omens, to be offered up to them. While the town has attempted to hide them the Stormreaders see through their deception and had the Thunderbird attack the town killing dozens after their first refusal. Since then a few selfless townsfolk have given themselves up to the Stormreaders for the good of the people. Because of the predators, now agitated from the constant storms, it has burden the town with difficulty in feeding and caring for themselves let alone look for treasures that the Stormreaders demand as tribute.

To make matters worse, the local cleric has been kidnapped by a tribe of Skum and have not been able to rescue her given they are located at the Saoc Planetarium that is mostly underwater with some above water entrances but is not reachable for any local soldiers or citizens of the town.

Through deeper discussions with Vancen, the party finds out that the only Stormreader he has met is a Garundi woman named Orleva and has Kerakinsis with her every time, that the Thunderbird may not be here on its own volition, that there may still be treasure to offer the Stormreaders in Aphelion Manor, and that the next tribute is due in a couple of days maybe 4 days at most.

Regarding information that may aid the party in their investigation regarding the Eye of Abendego, Vancen informs and reassures the party, after Thasan attempted to bribe him thinking he was withholding information, that no one in town has information on the Eye of Avendego other that no one survives going there. He does share with us rumors that there is an old library nearby, possibly located in the ruins of the original city, that has survived somehow through the last few hundred years and perhaps may still contain secrets. Vancen also warns us that anyone who has attempted to approach the location realize that there are some magical barriers in place and believe it was created by the Lirgeni in the past and have therefore deemed it a dangerous location.

Then from boredom Krom heads outside intending to take care of some of the sea monsters that have burden the town. While Krom jumps into the water searching for a fight the rest watch him other than Paracelsus who took out his fishing tackle and started fishing. Soon after Krom gets the attention of a Giant Squid and begins to play with to make a show of it to the townspeople before he mercilessly stikes it down. Thasan enthusiastically jumps in to the water next. After 10 minutes of waiting, while everyone in town is scaveging the giant squid's remains and Paracelsus serves fish sticks from the fish he has caught, a gigantic dark green and blue Elemental Tsunami rises up through Thasan, picks him up and slams him on the surface of the ocean. In battle while it seems that Thasan's attack aren't doing much damage, while he is beaten up, a storm appears in the sky that has the clouds themselves turning blue, peuple, red, and orange until a gigantic thunderstrike comes out of the sky causing a deafening sounds that shatters windows and striking the elemental that evaporates in defeat but leaving Thasan with over 92% of his health gone. Once Thasan is back on the harbor he receives a Basic Meal from Paracelsus to help him recover some health.

Session 4

April 20th, 04/20/2023, 7:00 PM to 9:30 PM (Central)

After the little fun the party had Ree has the party head back to the Mystic Tides to plan what to do next. After some deliberation the party decides to head to the Soac Planetarium first. To have the party approach the planetarium undetected they will not use the Mystic Tides in the air to head there and then use Paracelsus' Greater Folding Boat item in his possession. While most of the party has means to breath underwater Krom does not, without asking for permission Paracelsus takes out an Alchemical Atomizer filled with a Greater Sea Touch Elixir and sprays Krom with it to give him a means to breath underwater for the next 24 hours. With all preparations made the group heads to an area of about 100 feet from the planetarium in the air with the Mystic Tides and after leaving Marina in charge of the Mystic Tides to keep it flying and on standby the party all jump down, in their own ways, into the water. Once the whole group is in the water Paracelsus speaks the command word to activate the Floating Boat and change into a Cutter that is piloted and crewed by Ethereal Sailors and once all aboard the party heads towards the planetarium.

Once the party had approached the planetarium, Ree activated her Thoughtsense and used a focus to double its range to check for the number of thinking creatures around 60 feet of her. Ree was able to detect at least 12 thinking creatures within the planetarium, she relayed this to the party before they made their way inside. The party got out of the cutter and changed it back to a small box as they headed underwater to find a way into the planetarium. Once they had found a door, they had discussed how to open it, when Krom heard the words "were going in" he had abruptly kicked the door open. Inside they found a Tylosaurus roaming inside the room. The Tylosaurus came rushing towards the party with the intent of eating them. Paracelsus allowed himself to be swallowed whole by the Tylosaurus which after about 10 seconds, due to the Green Gut poison Paracelsus had on him, the creature vomited out Paracelsus and immediately burst into dozens of pieces as a strange bubbling acidic poison like gas rapidly expanded throughout its body and exploded in a beautiful array of death, gore, and blood. This caused the whole party to be covered in a layer of goo and guts on their person. Thasan casts Prestidigitation to help clean everyone while calling them "whiner babies" due to Ree's reaction to having her brand-new clothes covered in guts, but only after he collected specimens and samples of the Tylosaurus. Due to all the commotion, multiple Skum came through the ceiling prepared to attack the party but were easily disposed of without too much effort from the party. The party progressed through the planetarium with Krom easily taking down any more Skum that were in their path.

Session 5

April 27th, 04/27/2023, 7:00 PM to 9:30 PM (Central)

As the party continued to explore the Soac Planetarium and disposing of any advisories they came upon a human woman in her sixties or seventies bound with thick coils of rough seaweed lying in a corner of the room. Ree approaches the woman and while verbally saying “Hello” she casts Detect Magic psionically. Not detecting anything and other than faintly glowing with a divine energy Ree determines that the woman is an ordinary human. Ree than cuts the bound woman loose and introduces herself to the woman. The woman informed the party that her name is Mparu and is the local cleric of Hyrantam. Krom hands Mparu some water and food upon her request as she has not been properly fed while in captivity. Ree decides to first secure Mparu's safety by having Nirota and Thasan take her up to the Mystic Tides while the rest of the party continues to clear out the planetarium.

As the party further explores the planetarium, and avoids a trap involving runes, they find and collect various items, money, and even some treasures that can serve as tribute for the Stormreaders. At one point they came upon a larger than normal Skum that once noticed the party took out a dagger and cast a spell to have three other images of himself appear in the room. Krom immediately rushed to the Skum and instantly split the Skum asunder leaving only goo behind on the floor and guts being sent all over the room. After Ree cleans herself from the guts that flew from the Skum, and takes a quick stealthy bite of them, she suggests removing the etching of Runes the creature had been making. Paracelsus works on the Runes and Reverse Engineers it to both disable it and make a formula of the runes. Paracelsus is so successful on reverse engineering the runes that not only does he disable the ones the Skum had made and create a formula for the runes, but is also able to make use of the runes and transferring them to a scroll in order to create a Scroll of Aboleth Corruption. Ree takes ten minutes to stare around the room and using her Eidetic Memorization to memorize it all. Meraaen works on cleansing the room while the others gather any items, they can take with them to keep, sell, or use as tribute later. With the Soac Planetarium being completely cleared and explored the party heads back to the Mystic Tides.

Once the party is back on the Mystic Tides with it still being around two in the afternoon Ree suggests tackling the Aphelion Manor next. The party, in agreement, heads towards the manor and starts to explore the upper floor first as the lower floor is underwater. While quickly exploring the rooms of the upper floor the party ran into an aquatic animal that has signs of having feast on reptilian-like creatures and has spears and tridents on its body showing it's been attacked. The creature is easily dealt with by Krom alone, the party decide to fully explore the upper floor fully before they try to explore the lower flooded floor of the manor. Once the party has explored the first floor and collected/noted items to take back with them, Ree requests they work on putting a huge collection of ruined books back on the Mystic Tides to later work on trying to restore them in the hopes for possible information on Hyrantam or the Eye of Avendego which takes them about 20 minutes with the whole party helping. Once that ordeal has been dealt with the party makes their way towards the flooded staircase that leads to the lower floor of the manor.

While exploring the lower floor the party enters a room that has five Locathahs that seem to have been living within this room and immediately take defensive positions upon seeing the party. A female locathah dressed in very nice scale mail, carrying a magical trident, and other items of magical origin on her person comes forwards towards the party demanding to know what we wanted from them. After Ree makes a trade for a necklace that the female locathah was wearing, the locathah explains that they have been trapped in this room for over seven days due to the aquatic animal that was just outside from the room we came from. We explain to them that the animal has been dealt with and that we mean them no harm in any way, and they should be able to leave now. The locathah informs us that their tribe have lived near this area for a long time and need to investigate their tribal lands after being away for so long. Once the locathah leaves the party continues exploring the lower floor with no significant event occurring. Once the party has also collected anything that can be useful for them from the lower floor, then the party head back to the Mystic Tides.

Session 6

May 11th, 05/11/2023, 7:00 PM to 9:30 PM (Central)

The party next headed to the area of old Hyrantam based on the rumors they were told of an old library possibly surviving what had occurred to the original city and is now among the ruins of the old city. Once there the party investigated the area and were able to find the Parallax University Library still intact and undamaged due to magical means that remained intact and strong even after the cataclysm that befell the old city of Hyrantam.

Inside of the library the party found thousands of years' worth of historical knowledge and scientific facts saved in books and scrolls that have not degraded and were still in pristine condition thanks to the same magical means that kept the library protected. The party also found within the library an Advanced Water Naga Sorcerer named Ryssina that had gotten stuck within the library when seeking shelter from the intense weather inside and then became enamored with all the books in the library. And although she did not get the best first impression of the party, due to Krom leaping at her and dragging her to the ground, she did agree to come with the party and become the Mystic Tides' historian and librarian to house all our artifacts and book knowledge, that includes the entire collection held within the Parallax University Library that has been moved to the Mystic Tides now.

Session 7

June 8th, 06/08/2023, 7:00 PM to 9:30 PM (Central)

Ryssina informed the party that the group Stormreaders causing all the current issues plaguing Hyrantam and its citizens are in fact a coven of hags. The party planned to head back to Hyrantam after successfully moving all the Parallax University Library held onto the Mystic Tides but before they could they were confronted by a creature coming from the waters that have caused the Mystic Tides to shake and rock violently due to the water elemental that has now come aboard the ship. The water elemental shrieks curses and threats at the party and crew aboard the Mystic Tides in common language and demanding that they "cease torturing the sea or suffer her wrath". After some deliberation the group finds out the water elemental's name is Eryssala and will assist the party to stop the Stormreaders which are most likely the culprits that she deems are torturing the sea. Eryssala hands over to the party a very special shell to summon her to aid the party in or out of battles. With that taken care of the party aboard the Mystic Tides make their way back to Hyrantam.

Once back at Hyrantum the party plans to both confirm Ryssina's claim about the Stormreaders being hags and to also identify what kind of hags they're dealing accurately with. To accomplish this, they wait for the next visit Vancen expects from the Stormreader Orleva. During Orleva's visit to Hyrantum the party is able to satisfy their need for artifact treasures tributes so they don't take any citizen from the city and confirmed, with the help of Paracelsus's Third Eye, that Orleva is a hag and more specifically a Green Hag.

Session 8

June 22nd, 06/22/2023, 7:00 PM to 9:30 PM (Central)

To help the citizens of Hyrantam to better defend themselves not just from the Stormreaders but from possible future threats. The party tries to come up with ways to enable Hyrantam's citizens to better defend themselves once the party moves on from here. While discussing how they can help the citizens. Mparu informs the party that the planetarium from where she was held at can also serve as a divining object. This can allow the party to use a scrying spell to allow the party to gain information and see what we want to see. The party decides to take advantage of the planetarium once they get a chance, since it can only be done as a ritual at night, but their immediate concern is to help strengthen Hyrantum defenses. The party settles on visiting where there are fallen warships near Hyrantum to acquire possible siege weapons and means to help defend Hyrantum. This in particularly excites Meraaen who wishes to create and utilize explosives to the point that the party wonders if there is some Goblin in her ancestry.

And so, the party makes their way to the site that contains the fallen warships. Once there near Krom is the first to land and check if there is any immediate danger to be aware of. Once Krom lands hostile Zombies make themselves known to be there and begin to surround him. Krom with his mighty axe and his great strength makes quick and easy work of them causing many to explode into chuncky burning pieces all over the deck of the ships. Once there, all taken care of the rest of the party joins Krom on the deck of one of the still floating ships. Once the party collects any goods from the foes Krom had conquered they assess the ships, their weaponry, and their cargo in the surrounding area. After a while two of the ships are brought back in barely sailing working condition by Paracelsus for the party to take back to Hyrantum along with any useful goods the party can utilize either for the good of the town or for their personal use.

Session 9

July 20th, 07/20/2023, 7:00 PM to 9:30 PM (Central)

Once the party successfully brings back one of the ships back to Hyrantum Paracelsus stays behind to start building the town defenses with the captain Ree while the rest of the party goes back to collect and bring back the second ship. Once the second ship has arrived at Hyrantum the party makes their way to the planetarium to take advantage of the ritual that Mparu had informed the party about. And so, the party heads to the planetarium and performs the ritual with each member of the party having their own visions of scrying.

Paracelsus has a vision in his mind overlooking what appears to be some ancient castle, keep, or palace that appears more fantastical and extravagant than the majority of the architecture that he has seen thus far. And he sees the three hags in their natural appearance without filtration or any kind of anti-divination to keep him from seeing them confirming that the party is facing a Storm Hag Oracle, Green Hag Rouge, and a Sea Hag Sorceress.

Ree has a vision of a fourth hag who does not technically exist. She witnesses a vision of a deep cavern, there's a bright green glow coming from it and she gets the sense that there is hag energy in this location.

Krom witnesses and feels the overwhelming and sudden loss of a child coming from Asera the Thunderbird, and that the loss points in the same cavern that was in Ree's vision. Krom also gains the ability to speak Auran but only to speak with Asera.

Meraaen has a vision involving a brief glimpse of a very powerful, very huge sized dragon, gorgeous blue like a cerulean blue covered dragon with many beautiful golden scales down its spine. It is currently sitting in what appears to be the wreck remains, the ruins of a lighthouse and Meraaen gets the sense that he could be a potential ally to her and her friends if they do not try to immediately try to kill him.

Thasan fails to garner anything else.

Once the party has shared with each other what they experienced and seen within their respective visons, Ree takes great interest in the dragon that was present within Meraaen's vision. Ree suggests to visit the dragon first for the potential in gaining an ally with this Brine Dragon. In preparation to meet the Brine Dragon the party decides to prepare gifts to present to the dragon. Ree suggested to present a figuring that is carved out of aboleny. Meraaen will prepare some Aether Marble to present to the dragon. Krom and Paracelsus will present a great dish to the dragon with Krom handling the hunting of a great catch from the sea and Paracelsus cooking the meal for the dragon. With a goal in mind Krom heads out to the sea to start the hunt of a great bounty worthy of a dragon.

Session 10

August 3rd, 08/03/2023, 7:00 PM to 9:30 PM (Central)

The party uses the Mystic Tides to head to a deeper part of the channel near Hyrantam for a better chance at a great catch. After about half an hour Krom notices something underneath the water. Before Ree could tell Krom to wait, Krom already had taken a running start and jumped into the water as Thasan yelled to bring him back some monster parts. As Krom swims underwater to investigate what was causing the ripples on the surface of the water he starts to notice it almost glowing like colors due to the high contrast of the creature's colors to the underwater environment. Due to the creature's bright coloration Krom was able to identify it as an Addu from over 400 feet away. As Krom approached the Addu closer it eventually spotted him and immediately starts to head towards Krom.

The Addu swiftly approached Krom causing all the surrounding water to come towards Krom from the violent approach which in turn caused Krom to be pushed backwards by about 30 feet. The Addu then used its Miasmic Breath towards Krom which barely worked on Krom but still causing him to become Fatigued. Krom retaliated against the Addu with his weapon causing him some slashing damage. The Addu once again uses its Miasmic Breath against Krom to keep Krom fatigue preventing him from raging and tail slapping him causing some significant damage. Krom inexplicably causes massive amounts of damage against the Addu once he gets a chance. The Addu attempts to push Krom away from it but fails to do so for any significant distance and continues to keep Krom from raging by continuously using its Miasmic Breath to keep Krom fatigued. Krom having had enough strikes the Addu once he moves within striking distance and lands a massive blow against the creature. The Addu in retaliation is able to use its Miasmic Breath more effectively to cause Krom some poison damage and now on top of keeping Krom fatigued he is also now sickened. Afterwards the Addu attempts to flee but in that moment Krom takes advantage of the opportunity and lands the finishing blow by successfully cleaving through its neck splitting its entire upper half from its lower half and now floats slowly to the surface in two pieces.

Once the Addu floats to the surface the rest of the party is now able to see that Krom is victorious. Ree comments that they will have a good meal tonight, after being informed on what the creature is exactly. Thasan works on collecting materials from the creature and Ree seeing that Krom did sustain some damage, even if he does not appear to be bloody, asks Meraaen to heal Krom. Once that is all taken care of the rest of the party assist Krom in lifting the Addu creature from the surface of the water and bring aboard the Mystic Tides taking up half of the upper deck due to its size. The crew partakes in some Monster Casserole prepared by Paracelsus. With all preparations taken care of the party moves towards were they believe the dragon, that Meraaen saw in her vison, to be.

As they approach the location of the suspected dragon nest they scout and inspect the area for any clues on how to approach the suspected nest of the Brine Dragon. With no obvious clues the party moves forward to head into the suspected nest. Once they arrived the Brine Dragon makes its presence known and speaks “Who disturbs my slumber?”, towards the party. Ree takes charge of speaking and conversing with the Brine Dragon. Ree informs the Brine Dragon of what the party's purpose is and has brought gifts for him. While Ree also expressed her interest in entering into a pact binding with the dragon's soul, in exchange for a piece of the dragon's magic Ree proposed she would return with pieces for the dragon's horde. While the Brine Dragon contemplates Ree's offers the party presents their gifts for the dragon. The Brine Dragon retracts its head as his eyes glow with Detect Magic as he scans over all the gifts. The Brine Dragon accepts the offerings the party presented. The Brine Dragon informs the party that they need to secure the Thunderbird by either killing her or allying with her. The dragon suggests that the Thunderbird is looking for her lost egg. The dragon further informs the party of a magical Wraith in a cave that the hags are seeking out as well.

Session 11

August 17th, 08/17/2023, 7:00 PM to 9:30 PM (Central)

After the conversation with the Brine Dragon, the party decides to head to the cave that has hag energy around it with the Dragon commenting that it contains a Witchfire inside. The party traveling with the Mystic Tides heads over to the specified cave.

As the party arrives at the location of the cave, they enter the cave together. Upon going into the cave, the party notices there not alone hearing slushing from both sides of them. Once the party spots the source of the sound, they realize that there are two large ooze creatures with limbs and teeth identifying them as Globsters. Krom immediately charges at the monsters with Ree and Meraaen cheering him on and offering to help wash him later as they do not want to risk being covered in the foul-smelling ooze by fighting them themselves. Krom makes quick work of both Globsters with absolutely no difficulty or issues. The only problem being that Krom is utterly covered head to toe in Glosbter ooze flesh. While Krom does go wash it off in the water the same foul smell the Globster had still lingers on him for what is suspected to be for over five days. Ree, refusing to have to deal with this personally or have Krom get near any of the townsfolk while smelling like this, requests for Meraaen to take the cleansing further with the use of her magic. Meraaen used restoration to cleanse Krom of the foul smell from his body.

As the party progresses further into the cave, they come upon a big sized egg weighing around 160 pounds with sparks coming off the egg. As Ree and Krom moved towards touching the egg to carry it out of the cave a creature makes its presence known and begins to attack the party. The creature in question is indeed the Witchfire the Brine dragon had warned them about. Paracelsus activates and expands his Spiral Sworn to assist in causing more damage to the Witch Fire. Ree in turns casts Forceful Hand, essentially pulling a Scanlan, but using it to provide a barrier in front of the egg and the Witchfire. Ree also attacks and deals some damage against the Witchfire. Meraaen then attacks using her Moonlight Ray spell. The Witchfire moves towards the egg and then uses her Ray of Enfeeblement against Krom but Krom pushes through it without any issues. This in turn gets Krom to strike back at it with all his strength and end its undead existence in sparks of flames. Once it dissipates an exquisite telescope crafted of brass ivory wood and carefully polished crystal lenses and mirrors being 10 feet long and 6 feet tall magically appears out of thin air where the Witchfire was located.

After the battle is over, they inspect the egg and notice slight damage to it. Meraaen, with a little help from Paracelsus, performs a Heal spell on the egg. But it may have worked too well as the egg slightly increased in size and now weighs 180 pounds, is now 5 feet tall, and almost 2 feet wide. Even with the increased size, Krom can still easily carry the egg on his own. The party makes it back to the ship after putting the telescope into a bag of holding in about 10 minutes. Once the party is back on the main deck of the Mystic Tides the party spots a Thunderbird in the sky approaching the ship. Thanks to Krom previous vision the party knows its name to be Asera. After a conversation with Asera, with Ree taking charge of the conversing as the party leader, Asera relaxes and thanks the party for finding and recovering her egg. Asera then gives the party her thanks and goodbyes before leaving with her egg into the sky almost instantly. With the party having dealt with everything that the city informed them about the party is now ready to take on three witches next.

Session 12

August 31st, 08/31/2023, 7:00 PM to 9:30 PM (Central)

From previous visions and other bits of information the party determines that it would take too long to head towards their location and instead decide to draw them towards them. The party accomplishes this by manipulating the clouds with magic and leaving a message directed to the witches to come seek them out and challenging them. The party waits for them to appear while on the Mystic Tides being in the air. Once the three witches appear Krom starts heading towards the closest one to begin the attack but before he can reach the closest witch, Orleva, Paracelsus positions himself to line up the other two witches Vorysa and Byurka and uses his very modified Alchemist’s Flamethrower to essentially shoot them with what Paracelsus calls Alchemist’s Holy Napalm. This Holy Napalm incinerates both Byurka and Vorysa in one shot. Krom, once he reaches Orleva, rages and also makes short work of her without giving her any small moment to retaliate.

Once that is all done, the party heads back to Hyrantam and sees that they have already started celebrating as the skies have become much clearer compared to before and suspected that the Stormreaders have been taken care of. After telling them all the details of the confrontation since they last saw them the whole city welcomes them to party and celebrate with them. While the party enjoys the party partially, they also discuss what their next move shall be moving forward for their original mission of investigating the Eye of Abendego.

Session 13

September 14th, 09/14/2023, 7:00 PM to 9:30 PM (Central)

Having saved the city of Hyrantam, the people of Hyrantam had started to call the party Riders of the Storm. Whereas the Storm Readers had terrorized them from a distance their saviors had come riding a great ship that could navigate those storms. And from then on the party was known henceforth as the Riders of the Storm.

The Riders of the Storm decides to gather more information before making their next move towards their investigation of The Eye of Abendego. It occurs to the Riders that they can try to collect information from all the books they had collected from both the old Hyrantam library and the huge collection of ruined books the Riders had acquired from the Aphelion Manor. But the Riders soon realizes what a daunting task that would be as they have over 18,000 books and scrolls from the two sources. And if that wasn't overwhelming enough a huge number of books would need to be restored first and then that most if not all the books and scrolls are in a language that the party does not speak naturally. And to top it off Krom cannot be bothered to pick up a book and read as that is not something he does. To circumvent the dauting task of reading such a huge collection of books and scrolls, Paracelsus suggests in creating a Librarian Staff for Ryssina to use. Paracelsus logic being that Ryssina spent a lot of time in the old Hyrantam library reading it's material and with the Staff's Share Lore spell she would be able to share her knowledge with the rest of the Riders of the Storm without them having to spend so much time reading all the material. At the mention of Ryssina's name, it occurs to the Riders that they have not yet bothered to ask her personally if she knows anything regarding The Eye of Abendego and so the party headed towards her room on the Mystic Tides to ask and gather any information they can from her.

Once the Riders of the Storm arrive to Ryssina's room Ree knocks on her door that leads to her own personal Demiplane. Once Ree knocks on the door the door slowly opens revealing Ryssina's room. Ryssina has altered the space to appear as an oasis pool with a relatively deep-set pool that appears to possibly be 50 feet deep, and all the furniture from the room have been removed except for a single table that measures 9 feet long and 10 feet wide completely covered by the books and scrolls that the party had brought back on the ship. While the table holds most of the books and scrolls, there are many other scattered all over the oasis that is Ryssina's room. Even though Ryssina is reading she was able to open the door to her room with the use of her tail. Ree greets Ryssina before starting to question her about anything she may know about The Eye of Abendego. By the end of all the questioning the Riders do not learn anything new the party didn't already know or any other relevant information to help them enter The Eye of Abendego. Ryssina did warn the Riders of the Storm that no magic means has ever worked as well to enter The Eye of Abendego but commented that the Mystic Tides could have a chance of not being destroyed but still unsure.

After Ree finished asking Ryssina all the questions she had for her, she proposes possibly entering The Eye of Abendego from under the ocean waters and then resurface once they are in the actual eye of the constant storm. With that idea presented the Riders decides what they'll do next. While Paracelsus works on preparing the ship to be completely submersible and maneuverable while being underwater, Krom will hunt and collect food for the long treacherous journey, and Ree along with Meraaen will head back to Absolom. The visit to Absolom is to have Ree sell all the items the Riders have collected since arriving at Hyrantam and don't have a need for which included the items from the witches hideout they had raided since the witch's deaths, leave historical artifacts back with the Pathfinder Society, and to gather other supplies in preparation for the journey into The Eye of Abendego.

After some time has passed the Riders of the Storm reunites and prepares for the journey to attempt entering The Eye of Abendego from underwater. The Mystic Tides is now prepared for an underwater journey and now has an airlock to enter and leave the ship while underwater without too much worry. Within that time Paracelsus has also crafted the Librarian Staff and given it to Ryssina. While most of the crew and guests of the Mystic Tides will remain inside the ship for the duration of the underwater journey, the main party will be station outside in the underwater environment to not only provide protection to the ship but also Paracelsus from any potential dangers they may come across. This needs to be done in this way as although the ship was able to be modified to make an underwater journey, there was not much time to prepare a complete new enclosed area to allow both steering and visibility of the ship while underwater so instead it was decided that Paracelsus would Pilot the ship while being in the underwater environment. With all preparations in place Paracelsus passed along a Lady's Knife to each member of the Rider of the Storm that will be outside of the ship for the underwater journey before beginning the journey, in case they lose track of each other during the underwater journey.

After all preparations were done the Riders of the Storm began their underwater journey to make it inside The Eye of Abendego. Although Paracelsus prepared with an elixir to help him stay on point while piloting the Mystic Tides underwater, he still found some difficulty with it. Once the Mystic Tides reached and attempted to enter The Eye of Abendego, the turbulence from the storm that had winds at around 328 mph were too much and the Mystic Tides along with all it's passengers were sucked into the maelstrom and spit out the other end crashing down onto an island in the Shackles more than 1,500 miles in the opposite direction that the Mystic Tides was heading in.

Meraaen is the first to awaken on a beach noticing that the Mystic Tides had crashed and taken a great deal of damage leaving it in severe disrepair and seems unrepairable to her. Meraaen determines that an hour has passed since she lost consciousness and then finds Ree and the others still unconscious and has the medic of the party us easily able to awaken the others. Luckily no one died from being launched from the maelstrom and crash landing on the beach, plenty of bruises, contusions, and lacerations to go around but nothing too life threatening. Once Paracelsus has a chance to inspect the state of the Mystic Tide, he determines that although it is possible to repair the ship, it would normally take weeks to repair and that's if he had proper materials to work with as well. With the help of everyone of the Riders of the Storm, there able to collect all the pieces of the ship they could after spending 12 hours doing just that. While the Riders were busy gathering all they could from the ship it seems that a crowd has started forming and watching the Riders as they worked. With everything gathered Zahnradine's assessment of the ship repair situation is that it would take three weeks and six days to make repairs on the ship with subpar materials as they do not have the original materials that were used when the Mystic Tyde was first constructed.

After some time Meraaen notices a strange creature at the very edge of the jungle near the party. The strange creature is ginormous measuring at about 10 feet tall and more than 7 feet long. It has a strange weird glowing feature in the center of its chest made of gold orangish color and serrated looking jaws. This creature is completely foreign to Meraaen having seen nor heard anything like what she is seeing. Meraaen then makes her way to Ree and informs her of what she has spotted. Ree does not know specifically what this creature is but does know it's an interplanetary creature having heard rumors of wolves that breath fire and strange technological creatures from other places in the solar system. She stays wondering what could have cause it to be here and what to do next.

Session 14

September 28th, 09/28/2023, 7:00 PM to 9:30 PM (Central)