

Thasan was the only albino Vanara born into a tribe of Vanara of various ethnicities that lived in the heart of the Sano Forest near the Varisian Gulf. He was the youngest of three biological siblings, and from a young age, he showed a deep affinity for nature and the elements. Thasan's parents were both powerful druids, and they recognized his potential early on. They taught him the ways of nature and magic, and Thasan quickly became one of the most talented druids in the tribe.

As Thasan grew older, he began to develop a unique talent for storytelling. He was a gifted orator, and his voice could capture the hearts of even the most jaded listener. His tribe was amazed by his abilities and encouraged him to explore them further. It wasn't long before Thasan discovered that his storytelling talent was not just a hobby but could be integrated with his druidic abilities. He began to weave the power of his stories into his spells.

Thasan's studies also led him to discover the worship of Gozreh, a deity of nature and the elements, and he quickly became one of the deity's most devoted followers. He believed that Gozreh was the embodiment of the balance of nature, and he sought to protect and preserve that balance wherever he went.

One day, when Thasan was a young teenager, he disappeared from his home in the Sano Forest. His family and tribe searched for him for months, but he was nowhere to be found. Then, suddenly, Thasan reappeared, appearing from nowhere in a foreign land, bearing a mysterious tattoo of the elemental plane of water on his wrist, glistening with a very faint glow of the power of his mysterious benefactors.

Thasan could not remember where he had been or what had happened to him, but he knew that he had gained new powers and abilities from his journey. He went searching for his home, only to find that it had been destroyed by a local tribe of powerful lizardfolk. He moved from his village to the local shores of the Varisian Gulf, taking shelter in an ancient cave once used by his fellow tribesmen.

Thasan was later discovered by a secret grove of druids calling themselves the Wild Elements of the Grandfather. They were adorned in strange tattoos, wearing clothes, crowns, and effects of thorns, floral inks, and various flora.

Thasan continues to worship Gozreh, and he remains a Neutral Good character who is committed to protecting nature and the elements. He is a fierce defender of the natural world and has dedicated his life to fighting against those who would seek to destroy it. Thasan's journey may have been mysterious, but his commitment to his values and his companions never wavers.

Thasan's Dila


Based on a Water Wraith
Reptilian Amphibian Hybrid
It has a long, slender body with eight small legs arranged in pairs along its underside. Its skin is covered in small, flat scales that can change color at will, allowing it to blend seamlessly into its surroundings.

This creature is particularly fond of mud and shallow shores of freshwater bodies, where it can often be seen basking in the sun or hunting for small fish and insects. It is a solitary creature, preferring to keep to itself and only coming into contact with others during the breeding season. They breathe through their skin and lay their eggs in small muddy pits they create in the shallow water.

What sets this creature apart from other species is its lamprey-like mouth, which it uses to suction onto prey and feed on their bodily fluids. Although this might seem gruesome, the creature's saliva contains potent healing compounds that can help speed up wound healing and reduce inflammation. When injured, it secretes a sticky, golden resin from its skin that contains potent medicinal properties. This resin can be applied directly to wounds, promoting rapid healing and preventing infection.

Thasan’s School of the Elements

Thasan’s Territory

Located in the Sanos Forest, off the coast of the Varisian Gulf and next to the Mushfens, connected directly to the Yondabakari River, and near to the Malgorian Mountains and Ember Lake.

They are connected by mutual aid and mutual protection agreements with the local humanoid urban areas of the small towns of Nybor, Sipplerose, Turtleback Ferry, the trading post and village of Wartle, and the town of Whistledown.

They have a very tentative relationship with the town of Ilsurian, largely due to their quite disparate council. While they are not in open hostility or consider Ilsurian an enemy, the druids prefer to avoid their inhabitants and rarely interact with them.

The druids of Thasan’s School seek to purge or cleanse the local castle of Viperwall.

Deeper Territory Description

The territory is a large temperate forest that stretches for miles in all directions. The forest is dense and rich with flora and fauna, and is home to a diverse range of animal species. The forest is bisected by a gentle river that winds through the trees, providing a source of water for the plants and animals that call it home.

In the heart of the forest lies a cave that is hidden from view by a dense thicket of trees and foliage. The cave is accessible only by a narrow path that winds through the forest, and is guarded by a small pack of wolves that have made their home there.

Inside the cave, there is a powerful freshwater source that flows from a natural spring deep underground. The water is crystal clear and pure, and has a refreshing taste that is unmatched by any other source of water in the forest.

In addition to the freshwater source, the cave is also home to a natural flame source that burns bright and hot, providing light and warmth to those who enter the cave. The flame source is believed to be magical in nature, and many travelers who have come across the cave have reported feeling a sense of peace and calm in its presence.

Nearby the cave, there is a towering mountain or cliff that rises high above the forest canopy. The mountain or cliff is rugged and treacherous, with steep cliffs and jagged rocks that make it difficult to climb. However, those who are brave enough to make the climb are rewarded with breathtaking views of the forest and the surrounding landscape.

Overall, the territory is a place of great natural beauty and mystery, with a hidden cave that contains both a powerful freshwater source and a magical flame source, as well as a nearby mountain or cliff that provides stunning views of the forest and the world beyond.

School Treehouses

In the heart of the temperate forest territory, there stands a massive tree that towers over all the other trees in the forest. The trunk of the tree is wide enough to fit several people standing side by side, and the branches extend outwards in all directions, providing a canopy of leaves and branches that stretches for miles around.

This tree has long been considered sacred by the druids of the region, who believe that it is home to a powerful spirit that embodies the four elements: fire, water, earth, and air. To honor this spirit and protect the elements, the druids have constructed a series of interconnected treehouses among the branches of the massive tree.

Each treehouse is dedicated to one of the four elements, with a central treehouse that serves as a meeting place and gathering space for all the druids. The treehouse dedicated to fire is built around a central hearth, which burns brightly day and night, and is tended by a group of druids who specialize in fire magic. The treehouse dedicated to water is built around a natural spring that flows from the tree's trunk, and is tended by a group of druids who specialize in water magic.

The treehouse dedicated to earth is built around the trunk of the tree, and is tended by a group of druids who specialize in earth magic. The walls of this treehouse are made of woven vines and branches, and are covered in moss and ivy that has grown naturally on the tree. The treehouse dedicated to air is built at the top of the tree, where the branches are thin and fragile, and is tended by a group of druids who specialize in air magic. The walls of this treehouse are made of delicate, lightweight materials, and are designed to sway with the wind.

Each treehouse is connected to the others by a series of bridges and walkways made of woven vines and sturdy branches. The druids who live in these treehouses spend their days meditating, practicing their magic, and communing with the spirit of the tree and the four elements. They are fiercely dedicated to protecting the elements and the natural world, and will stop at nothing to ensure that the forest and its inhabitants are safe from harm.