

Krom was born in the Menador Mountains, where the Shattered Fang tribe of orcs made their home. As a young orc, Krom showed an exceptional talent for physical strength and combat, even among his tribe. However, he was also fiercely independent and quick to anger, often getting into fights with his fellow orcs over matters of pride and honor.

As he grew older, Krom became restless, feeling stifled by the isolation of his tribe and the constant infighting. He longed to see the wider world and prove himself in battle against more formidable foes. After the Goblinblood Wars, he left his tribe and wandered through the country of Isger, surviving on his wits and his skill with a greataxe.

Eventually, Krom fell in with a band of bandits, drawn to their reckless and free-spirited ways. At first, he enjoyed the thrill of robbing travelers and causing chaos. However, as he spent more time with the bandits, Krom began to feel a sense of guilt for the harm they were causing. He started to question the morality of his actions, and he became increasingly conflicted.

One day, while raiding a small village, Krom saw the villagers fighting against a group of necromancers who were raising the dead to do their bidding. Despite his bandit companions' protests, Krom charged into the fray, wielding his greataxe with deadly precision. He fought fiercely, driving the necromancers back and saving the village from destruction.

From that day on, Krom left the bandits behind and dedicated himself to helping those in need. He traveled the land, using his formidable combat skills to fight against evil wherever he found it. Along the way, he became a follower of Gorum, the deity of battle, and found that his chaotic nature was well-suited to Gorum's teachings.

As Krom continued on his journey, he found a loyal companion in a Sauropelta that he named Nallra. Krom trained Nallra to be his mount, and the two of them rode into battle together, crushing their enemies underfoot.

Through his many battles, Krom became a legendary athlete and intimidator, feared and respected by all who knew him. Though he still struggled with his chaotic tendencies, Krom found that his loyalty to his friends and his commitment to justice kept him on the path of righteousness.